بطول يبلغ 5.2 بوصة فقط، تمتاز سماعة سبيكر المركزية RW-34C بأبعاد مدمجة وتصميم غير مزج يجعلها ملائمة لشاشات التليفزيون المسطحة العصرية، وبرغم هذا التصميم المدمج إلا أن السماعة قادرة على إنتاج صوت ديناميكي عالي النقاء لينقل أفلامك وموسيقاك المفضلة إلى مستوى آخر. تتميز السماعة بمنفذين Tractrix أماميين يسمحان بوضعها أمام أي حائط دون التأثير بالسلب على مستوى قوة صوت البيس.
TRACTRIX® HORN TECHNOLOGYKlipsch exclusive 90x90º Tractrix® horn technology ensures that the R-34C high frequency energy is aimed at the listener and reduces artificial reverb or filtering caused by indirect sound bouncing off of walls. Using this proprietary focused technology gives you the best clarity, dynamics, and detail from your movies and music. |
LINEAR TRAVEL SUSPENSION TWEETERWITH KAPTON® SUSPENSIONKlipsch exclusive Linear Travel Suspension (LTS) aluminum tweeter minimizes distortion for enhanced, detailed performances. Using Kapton®, an extremely light and rigid material, in the tweeter suspension provides high efficiency and improve resolution and detail. LTS tweeters are a hallmark of Klipsch speakers, making them some of the best speakers in the world. |
SPUN COPPER IMG WOOFERSInjection Molded Graphite (IMG) woofer cones are exceptionally light while being extremely rigid – providing remarkable low frequency response, with minimal cone breakup and distortion. When paired with the Tractrix Horn-Loaded LTS Tweeter, it provides speaker efficiency highest in its class. |
TRACTRIX® PORTThe dual front Tractrix ports are perfectly matched to the cabinet and woofers, creating ideal airflow with minimal distortion or turbulence even at the lowest frequencies. Front-firing ports allow the R-34C center speaker to be placed right against your wall or entertainment system without impacting the bass response. |
SLEEK DESIGNExposed fasteners, a low profile magnetic grille and a scratch-resistant, textured wood grain vinyl give the R-34C center channel speaker a polished, modern appearance. |