Designed for pro audio engineers, the Dangerous Audio D-BOX+ is a dramatic redesign of the company's famed 8-channel summing mixer and monitor controller. As with the previous iteration, the unit fits a lot of features into its 1 RU rackmount enclosure. However, the summing mixer has been upgraded to give you an even bigger soundstage than the original D-BOX. Now, mixers who primarily work ITB can sum their stereo submixes through the D-BOX+ and import an analog sound upon their mix, one with even more "vibe" than the original.
Like a large console’s center section, the D-BOX+ provides elaborate routing and switching of your studio’s inputs and outputs, both analog and digital. At the push of a button, you can select from five input sources: analog stereo, the onboard analog summing mixer, USB, AES/SPDIF and brand new for the D-BOX+, a wireless Bluetooth stream from any Bluetooth-enabled device. Outputs include three stereo speaker ports, and these can be programmed to be mono and/or to include a subwoofer. Further, you can use output 3 as source for an independent sub with individual level and mute control.
Any studio situation, but especially tracking sessions, call for independent monitor routing for artist and engineer. With the D-BOX+ you have two totally independent monitoring sections: Control Room and Headphones. With the simple push of a button, you can assign any of the five input sources to either of these monitoring paths, making what would otherwise be elaborate patches into instant choices. Want to check on your monitors what your artist is hearing in their headphones? Seamless source switching is simple.
Using the new D-BOX+ Bluetooth app, on any current phone, tablet, or computer, you are no longer bound to your chair when you need control your studio. All major functions of the D-BOX+ show up in the highly intuitive and rock solid program, providing limitless new solutions to age-old studio problems. Want to listen to an artist’s instrument in the live room while switching monitoring sources in their headphones? No problem. Want to give a couch-bound producer control over the talkback mic through their phone? Simple. Want to listen to your mixes from the hallway while still swapping monitors or switching a sub in and out? You got it. If you can dream it up, the D-BOX+ app will deliver.