لأي شخص جاد بشأن غناءه الحي ، تم تطوير Sontronics Corona ليبدو جيدًا كما يبدو. يعد Corona مثاليًا للاستخدام على المسرح بالإضافة إلى البث المباشر والتسجيل المنزلي ، وهو عبارة عن ميكروفون ديناميكي مزود بكبسولة فائقة القلبية فائقة الدقة تتميز بخاصية الالتقاط المركزة ورفض جانبي ممتاز ولا تحتاج إلى أي معادل صوت أو معالجة لاحقة.
Sontronics Corona came about a few years ago, after many users of our Halo mic (for guitar amps) who loved its eye-catching, vintage-style design had asked if it could be used on vocals.
Halo's specifically tailored frequency response means that it is much less suited to voices, but the requests inspired us to develop a retro-inspired mic specific to vocals, and so Corona was born.
As designer Trevor Coley says: “Coming up with the look of a mic is only the beginning. Several months of sketches, prototypes and physics calculations later, Corona finally came to fruition and it’s been an absolute hit. It really is stunning, in both look and sound, and we love to see and hear people using and enjoying it.”