إن ميكروفون TLM 193 الخاص بالأستديو ذو الحجاب الكبير والشكل القلبي من Neumann هو ميكروفون ذو غشاء كبير بنمط قطبي قلبي الشكل. يستخدم الميكروفون دارة بدون تحويل، تتميز بضوضاء منخفضة ونطاق ديناميكي كبير. تكون الاستجابة القطبية خطية للغاية على زاوية سقوط واسعة. يتم إنتاج الإشارات القادمة من الجانب بدون تشويش. يكون السطح المكشوف لكبسولة الميكروفون على الأرض، مما يجعلها محصنة ضد التداخل والتلوث المعتاد. الميكروفون مزود بحامل دوار.
الكفالة 1 سنة
The capsule of the TLM 193 is the same legendary large diaphragm capsule used in the U 89i/TLM 170 family. This unit is mated to the proven FET 100 circuitry of the KM 100 series. These state-of-the-art components deliver ultra-low self noise (10dB-A), high sound-pressure capability (140dB before overload), dynamic range (130dB), wide frequency response (20Hz - 20kHz) and the quality, durability, longevity, and glorious sound which makes the TLM 193 a true Neumann microphone.
The TLM 193 uses a transformerless circuit which is responsible for its extremely low self noise and large dynamic range. The polar response is very linear over a wide incidence angle. Even off-axis signals are reproduced faithfully and without coloration. The exposed surface of the microphone capsule is at ground potential, making it immune to typical interference and contamination.
The TLM 193 shatters the notion of a "fragile" condenser mic. All exposed surfaces of the microphone capsule, including the diaphragms, are at ground potential. This technology makes them highly immune to electrical and atmospheric interference and contamination by microscopic dust particles. The TLM 193's capsule is elastically mounted to avoid any jolts and structure borne noise that could interfere with its operation.
The TLM 193 is the perfect microphone for both budget-conscious project studios and larger facilities who want Neumann performance without paying for the additional features of our flagship models. The TLM 193 package includes the microphone, a swivel-mount stand adapter, and a foam-lined wooden jeweler's case. You'll seldom find this combination of quality and value!