تمامًا مثل بصمات الأصابع ، تعتبر حبيبات الخشب فريدة من نوعها ، مما يجعل كل زوج من سماعات Meze فريدًا من نوعه. سوف تحب شعورهم بين يديك. تجميع قوي ودقيق. أكواب الأذن مصنوعة من حبيبات خشبية مصقولة. ارتدِها واجلس واستمتع بصوتك المفضل من الأوتار المقطوعة أو الأخاديد المتفائلة أو الإيقاعات القوية بينما لا تزال تبدو راقية
We're taking headphone design to a new level by combining modern with hand crafted design, using natural materials and focusing on delivering the best premium sound
The choice of wood is an inherently difficult one. The rich colors of walnut require the use of air drying, a long and expensive procedure. The process of shaping just a single pair of earcups takes up to 8 hours. The whole process of sanding, lacquering, and finishing lasts 45 days. The wooden components are carefully inspected and no flaws are permitted to reach the final assembly.
We aimed for perfection in every component we designed. CNC carved wood ear cups, cast zinc alloy hardware with electroplated coating, stamped manganese spring steel headband, memory foam and soft PU leather are the materials your hands and eyes will get to enjoy. No plastic here for you to see.Besides the usual warranty everybody is offering, we guarantee that the 99's are serviceable if any parts would ever need to be replaced because we built these headphones to last