لا تدّخر FiiO أي جهد دائمًا في صنع منتجاتها الرائدة. تملك سماعات المراقبة الصوتية FD5 محرك ديناميكي كبير مقاس 12 مم تم تطويره حديثًا، ويستخدم مغناطيس N52 مع تدفق مغناطيسي عالي يبلغ 1.5 تسلا - للحصول على صوت بيس قوي للغاية ودقة ممتازة عالية التردد. الميزات:
In order to address the issues that come with the time delay between different sound waves, an acoustic prism system was specifically developed for the FD5. This was inspired by similar technology used for adjusting tweeters in well-known high-end audio products.
Anti-standing wave and semi-open design
A “volcanic field”was added to the rear of the FD5 in order to reduce low-frequency standing waves, reduce distortion, and overall improve the diffusion of bass waves throughout the FD5. The FD5 also adopts a semi-open design, which relieves air pressure on the ear – leading to more comfortable and long listening sessions.
Casting a strong voice with stainless steel
The smooth, luxurious-feeling 3D embossed stainless steel faceplate represents both form and function – while looking striking, the robust stainless steel also reduces the harmonic distortion of sound inside the FD5. The faceplate provides a striking contrast against the chrome finish of the rest of the FD5 as well.